Are there plans to include a feature that can move individual chords in the harmony to different octaves that don’t involve using the band to change everything or changing individual notes?
Is it a good guess to presume that no one ever responded to you. Since I first came here the first thing I did was enter a Chord and try to figure out how to change it to another octave. I sure hope it can be done; and, it’s easier than what I’ve found so far. Have you by chance learned how to change the octave of chord? If so, could you share how it’s done?
Yes, you are correct. I never got a response and no I have not learned how to change the octave. A bit surprised that I haven’t gotten a message in 6 months stating whether this could be done or not.
See Denis’s answer here Raise/lower chord by octaves - #7 by DSchwachhofer
This seems to be referring to changing octaves on the melody or voice line; and yes, I could use ths manually to enter in a Chord with an instrument; and it may come to that. But, otherwise not much help. I’ve found (some) inversions give an illusion of being a higher note; actual,if it’s the root not, but still just an inversion; however, when I saved my file; it seems some of the inversions didn’t hang around. I know I replaced at least one, so it seems it’s also intermittant.
I have another tool I can use; so, I just ‘rented’ this for a month; maybe more; to see if I could find any use in it. So… perhaps… I’ll at least use it to make some quick, idea template… or it’s a way to check out the ‘ear’ on some of the more exotic(?) chord forms. Very subtle at time, this illusion you’ve raised a chord, when you didn’t actually raise it.
So, another possibility I’ve been chewing on… where I need a higher chord. I can create (hopefully midi if it will stop intermittant dropping of an inversion) would be to leave a nice “rest” where this chord goes… Then I could play that midi, or .wave track, change the octave of the new harmony track, and put rests everwhere except where I need notes from another octave… That probably will work; but, if feels like I’m tying one hand behind my back; and trying to prove I don’t need it.
I just would like to add; I listed to Rick Beato; who give commentary on music/artists/theory, etc… and he constatly makes a major complaint that recent music is just too simple; and is missing a lot of flare in music from early decades.
I don’t think this is his age; I observe he’s been doing it since Hookpad came about; and I’m willing to bet; there are a lot of new “song writers” out there that are using it to write (and some of it can see that Hookpad basicially restrains chords to once octave… not even a whole ocatve, 12 notes (& chords) … not even the root an ocatave higher for 13 chords… a sad state of affairs; but, if their goal is to give kids a tool to learn music… well; obviously they’re not trying to make money from professional musicians; nor amaturs trying to learn more theory and turn pro…
So, 1. Some inversions give an illusion of a higher note. (I hand pick them) 2. Working in judiciously selected modes, MAY, give one the option to change a mode and discovering an accidental chord that might work. 3. Save the track leaving RESTs where you would insert a note later… start a new session and work in a different octave, with the new songe being mostly rests, with the occasional substitution where rests exist in the 1st track saved. This is ideal; as I save a track all the time for later composition.
And that’s what I’ve thought of so far. Aside from quite a few bugs…
I’ll just say this… I’m a professional, and a troubleshooter… if they want me to hang around, use this app, pay them for it; and continue to provide bug fixes…
Well, I’m out of here if I 1. Don’t hear from them. 2. They appear to have no interest in fixing their app… and if that’s the case… well, all I can say is… spread the word. It’s not even a particular good teaching tool… at least so far; but, it does have a few features that make me have some hope.
I will say one thing… for me… This is cementing the theory I already know… So much of this makes a lot of sense… if I just didn’t feel like a blind man trying to find something that HE thinks is there; and proabably should be; but wasting a ton of time just to find out it doesn’t exist …yet?