What really should mixolydian ♭6 be labeled as?

I am quite brand new to music theory, and actually came down the rabbit hole of understanding it because of this specific scale apparently having been my favorite scale since before I even understood what a scale was. I underrstand, due to how under-utilized it is, that supporting it as an official option on the site is not worth the work. So, as I am not experienced, I would like to ask of those more experienced than me if I should label these songs as minor or mixolydian? It’s one note away from both and as it’s a very under-documented scale I can’t really decide if I should truly treat it as mixolydian with a flattened sixth, or instead as minor with a raised third. I ask because the latter is more the vibe I personally get from it despite the name.

What do you guys think?

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Mixolydian is the right option, because the tonic chord is a major I in Mixolydian b6. The third is more important than the sixth in this case, since its what determines if a scale is major or minor.

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Use the Mixolydian mode and then borrow the chords from the minor scale.
Here is an example of a song that does this to help you:
song example

I do wish we could alter the existing scales that would be cool. The only altered scales we have are the harmonic minor scale and Phrygian dominant scale.

The scale would be G-A-B-C-D-Eb-F. The C melodic minor scale is C-D-Eb-F-G-A-B. Same notes. So your scale is the fifth mode of the melodic minor scale. It’s worth learning about the three minor scales and their modes: natural, harmonic and melodic. Gracie Terzian has an excellent video on YT about them.

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