What do these Xs mean in chord names?

I don’t know if this is a bug or just some notation I’m unfamiliar with. What do these xs mean under the ♯iii and ♯viiᵒ chords?

They appear when you set the project key to D♯ Minor and choose Major from the Borrow From drop down. One also appears under ♯viiᵒ in G♯ Minor, again when borrowing from major.

They also show up in key change flags sometimes.

I think those are double ##.
In the key of D#Major the third note is a double sharpened F, basically a G on your keyboard. One of the notations for ## is an “x”

Please let me know if this helped.


Thank you, yes that helps.

Double sharp (𝄪) is unicode U+1D12A, and double flat (𝄫) is unicode U+1D12B (from here). I’ve noticed other chords use # or b sometimes instead of or . Could Hookpad be changed to consistently use the correct characters throughout?

Would you like me to rewrite this as a feature request? I’m not sure how you keep track these things.

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No, you can just leave it there. I have noticed your request by now.

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Just one complication to that. I can see advantages to having it typeable. Having to type one thing with the display being something else is rough. Not to mention that people don’t have the unicode character codes memorized.

Sometimes an approximation is easier to deal with.

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Displaying the correct notation won’t necessarily affect its ability to accept typeable substitutes in the search box.

When I type bVI into the search box now, my result is ♭VI, which is useful and not what I want to have changed. Hookpad already displays the correct notation in many cases without affecting your ability to type it in.


Maybe the solution is to have a settings option and let the individual users decide which they wish to see?

You are right for experienced users. Yes, it should have been fixed with the widespread adoption of unicode. The whole idea behind their products it to bring a wider audience into music theory. For naïve users that don’t already have that knowledge it is opaque.

But that is just my opinion and you know how that goes, everybody has one. :slight_smile:
They will make whatever decision that they think is best for their product.

hey all, the truth is that we simply haven’t given this issue a ton of thought. @neurozero thank you for the info on the unicode characters, I hadn’t realized that double flats and sharps had their own characters. Right now, we use a music font to write flats and sharps, but I’ve noticed that these do get messed up sometimes. Probably the right thing to do is to swap these all out for their unicode equivalents to make everything more consistent.


a bit late to the party on this one. in a recent project, i needed Eb9 :slight_smile: this comes out as Dx, but if i use D#9, then it’s Cx. but, to get the correct Eb9/D#9, i have to use Eb (or D#) and “add9”, otherwise the chords come out wrong in the MIDI.


in essence, the Dx or Cx are using the double sharp notation (F## in lieu of G) but also then using D instead of D# or Eb… presumably because of the 7th (which should be Db)?

anyways, the “add9” solved it for me but the Dx and Cx versions of chords were wrong when i imported them. so maybe something to double check.

I’m not sure I can follow you 100%. What is the key you’re writing in? Where do you get Dx? For the 9th or for the chord symbol? Could you make a screenshot of what it looks like in Hookpad?

in A Major and borrowing (via search) the Eb9 or D#9 entries

Ah, now I see. Thank you for the explanation. I’ll forward it.


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@fossile thanks for the detailed explanation. That looks like a bug to me, I’ll look into it and see what I can find

i only found it because when i play it on the guitar, and then via the MIDI output, and on the Hookpad output, it seemed off… and i thought, oh no! another musical notation i was not familiar with, i am so ignorant and not worthy! LOL :slight_smile: thankfully the Eb add9 or D# add9 worked OK…