Turning off auto add measures can still auto add measures

These actions will automatically add extra measures even with auto add measures off:

  • moving a note or chord past the last measure using the mouse
  • resizing a note or chord past the last measure using the mouse
  • moving or resizing a note or chord with the mouse when there’s a note or chord touching the very end of the last measure
  • adding a meter change
  • adding a key, tempo or band change when a note/chord touches the last measure
  • removing a meter change when a note/chord touches the last measure

however if you use the keyboard shortcuts it’s fine

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So you’re aware, I’m seeing extra measures when clicking on chords when the resize eye-beam icon is visible; not the case when the pointer/hand icon is visible, in that case the chord is played, no extra measures created. 2.18.0 Mac/Chrome

At the moment I’m avoiding clicking when the eye-beam is visible.

@chris @Ryan @dave This one is annoying all of us

Thx @Vaz123 - this has been added to our internal todo list.

I haven’t used Hookpad in a while, despite the configuration setting, this still seems to be occurring.
Any resolution would be appreciated.



Also happens to me, for example when I click on the start of the song.

Can also confirm this behavior, a fix would be greatly appreciated!

filler text filler text filler text filler text

Still happening. It’s quite annoying constantly having to delete the extra measures, so a fix would be great.

Sorry it took us that long to react to this issue. I created a bugfix today which should work after the next update.

Now measures should only be extended if you insert a change flag after the end of your project. But all other actions like dragging notes/chords, inserting change flags into your song shouldn’t trigger any automeasures any more.