https www dot hooktheory dot com/theorytab/view//white-noise (can’t put more than 3 links in a post since im a new account)
may want to consider deleting them? or maybe giving them their actual proper artist names:
Mariya Ise and Miyu Tomita - Deep In Abyss
Emiliana Torrini - Gollum’s Song
Hideki Sakamoto - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Main Theme (or, alternatively, “Lifelight”)
Disclosure - White Noise
@chris@Ryan@dave this is still a thing, and now there’s one more created by (what i assume to be) a student who accidentally submitted their work to theorytab instead of their teacher
the others besides the new one are already existing tabs, so if they could be deleted that would be great. thank you
We were stumped by this for a while, trying to figure out how TheoryTabs could get into the database with blank artists, but think we now understand why this might be happening. The other part of it is why these songs in particular are being recommended when they don’t have any relation. Will hopefully have this resolved soon
I assume the way you delete them is by going to the theorytab pages and clicking a ‘delete’ button. However since going to those pages sends you to a 400 error, you can’t delete them. I have 2 ideas:
Make it so going to those pages doesn’t create a 400 error
Delete them some other way (e.g. maybe in the code or something there is 1 ID that corresponds to 1 theorytab and removing that ID will delete the theorytab)
I also heavily suggest not letting the user submit a theorytab if the artist is not filled that way you can stop more from coming
Fixed. Thanks @ethxn and @Vaz123 for your patience and persistence. This was pretty low on my priority list but we talked last night and decided to bump it up so I fixed it today.
Appreciate the multiple reminders to keep this on our radar.