Hi guys. I tried opening the Hooktheory Book1 and I only get a blank page. I’m wondering if its under maintenance or something. Does anyone have the same problem? Thanks.
@Reverseblade we had some reports of some technical issues earlier, but they seem to have resolved themselves. Are you able to load the book now? It works on our end.
I just found out it works on Safari but not on Chrome and Firefox, which are my regular browsers.
Just to update. Now when I try to open the hooktheory book on Firefox, it leads me to a page where it asks me to buy the book instead of giving me the blank page as before, and I have no trouble opening it on Safari.
I hope you could solve ths problem. In the meanwhile I think I can just go with Safari when I want to use the book.
@Reversblade, are you logged in to the website in the Firefox browser? If you visit the book page when not logged in with an account that has access, it shows this message.