Swing, Push & Bands

Hi …

It’s January 2nd, 2023, I’m snow bound and lost in Hookpad … in a good way!

I’ve got 3 questions I hope someone feeling generous could answer for me. FWIW, I have watched the videos and read the manual … but that doesn’t mean I didn’t miss something.

  1. Is there a setting for ‘swing?’

  2. Is there a method to push chord changes ahead a 1/16th or 1/8th (h or j durations)?

  3. Where does it tell me which band I’m using at the moment if I’ve done a band change in an arrangement?

Thanks in advance.

The swing is under tempo.

You can just drag the chord changes by the ends to start and end them where you want.

When you select a section, the band in effect is highlighted.

dkiertley … Thank you so much.

I think you’ve answered all my questions, assuming the drums still play on the beat regardless if a chord is pulled across the bar marker.