Should we have a standard system of naming them? We have a bunch of duplicates from improper naming, like having “ft.” where the author is, or in the title. The sheer number of examples of this is what made me make this thread.
A possible format:
Game/Album - Title {ft. whoever} by {Original Author}
Let me explain the above.
Game/Album: The original source of the song. Omit if the author has only made music for one game/album/single.
Title: Self-explanatory. Just put the title here. {{Come on devs, add in Unicode support for the titles}}
{ft. whoever}: If a song was made in collaboration with another person, the ft. part goes after the title. This prevents an author called “X ft. Y” from being made when “X” already exists.
{Original Author}: The author that isn’t the ft. one. If the song is a remix or an arrangement, the remixer/arranger is placed under the ft. section and the source author is used here.