Selected measures won't delete with keyboard button or with edit menu

I have selected two empty measures that hookpad inserted where I pasted in note-filled measures. I tried deleting them by pressing the keyboard delete key and then the keyboard backspace key. Neither will work. I tried re-selecting the two measures and clicked the Edit Menu and then Delete. I can’t get rid of these measures. When the measures are selected, the entire measure turns blue.
So I do have them selected properly. I tried to paste in a picture but the message box just enters a bunch of code. I would attach a screenshot but there’s no place to do so. Sorry. I hope this is enough information. I am stuck now.

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Hi, there isn’t any keyboard shortcut to delete measures at the moment. The delete button in the edit menu and the Delete key are only for content inside the measures.

To delete those measures themselves the only way is to use the DELETE button you can see in the screen shot. Sorry for the confusion.


Thank you soooooooo much! I completely missed seeing that delete button in your screen shot. I have now used it and it worked. - carol

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