I am new to Hookpad, and am hoping to get some help with a few problems I am having with the interface.
When I load Hookpad via Chrome, Hookpad 2.21.4 is the version that loads. There are a few things that are not showing up in the User Interface, and I don’t know why…
First, there is no preferences menu item. This menu item is needed to work with YouTube sync according to the manual.
Second, No “Change Key” button appears when I select measures with intent to change key. The manual indicates that such a button should appear.
Am I doing something wrong?
Hi GLandry, this is how it looks at my machine. Perhaps you could upload a screenshot of your version?
Regards! Dennis
Hi Dennis,
Thanks for your reply. In emulating your screenshot to create my own screenshot in response, I note that I was not doing my measure selection properly, so the change key button issue is resolved.
I still do not see a preferences menu item though. Is there something else I may be doing improperly?
It appears some of the “Preferences” functionality is being moved to the “Settings” menu Item. I note that the Youtube functionality is showing up there contrary to the current manual. This is the functionality I was looking for as there appeared to be a YouTube video trying to queue but hanging instead. I did not ask for this (or any other) video btw. There seems to be a value of “3” stuck in the URL path that cannot be cleared because of the hang. Manual edit of the JSON file did not recover the song, so I just moved all my chords to a new file and now I am set.
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