Please ban Jefd

TheoryTab users Jefd, Jasperdiaz, justindiaz, and Jasperdisz all need to be banned. Chances are they’re all the same person.

All they ever do is intentionally ruin TheoryTabs by changing the keys/modes erroneously and outright deleting parts of the tabs (such as all the chords). They never offer any explanation for their changes. They are clearly trolls. I’m sure my fellow TheoryTab contributors can agree that it is absolutely exhausting consistently having to clean up these users’ messes.

These four users have never contributed anything positive to the database, all they ever do is ruin other people’s work. I hope other contributors see this post and share my sentiments. I am tired of having to deal with Jefd, Jasperdiaz, justindiaz, and Jasperdisz.


Add abegailerivera to the list.

So now, please ban all these users:

Please, PLEASE do something about this. Moderators, I’m BEGGING you. These idiots (or one idiot with multiple accounts) are RUINING our experience on this website. I’ve even linked all their Hooktheory accounts here, click on them. Look at their “contributions.” They’re all junk, they’re all BS, they’re all deliberate trolling. Their only intention is to ruin the experience and to drive users away from this site.

Please for the love of god, do something about this. I’m so sick and tired of these trolls being allowed to do whatever they want with no real consequences. I already know that users are quitting this site because of this nonsense. If you care at all about the integrity of the HookTheory TheoryTab database, READ WHAT I’M SAYING. LOOK AT WHAT THESE TROLLS ARE DOING. YOU NEED TO DO THE RIGHT THING, AND BAN THEM. I’M TIRED OF ALL THIS. WE ALL ARE.

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@Quentin136, thank you for bringing this to our attention. They have all been banned from TheoryTab actions.


Thank you so much. And sorry for all the all caps yelling, I got way too angry about all this. This will be a great burden lifted from all our shoulders.

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I think the caps were appropriate here. Thanks again! For a long time, we have talked about giving certain users with high reputation/trust moderation abilities that would allow flagging accounts in situations like this. It is likely that there are standards for this now on things like Wikipedia / Twitter we could borrow from without reinventing the wheel. Actually, the platform we use for this forum (Discourse) has a decent system built in.


We got another one! BKeira930 has been going around and ruining submissions by changing the mode, resulting in all the chords being off. I can’t tell if they’re a troll or just incompetent, but either way they’re ruining existing pages. They need to be banned or heavily disciplined.

@Quentin136, much appreciated. Thanks for letting us know.

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Sign In - Hooktheory they are back at it again

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I feel like there should be a user reporting system, and if a user gets enough reports then their permissions get put on hold. From there the moderators can make the decision to ban. Seriously it’s ridiculous how this keeps happening and we’re completely helpless for hours.


(cross-posted from another topic)

It would appear that YoMama1999 and Jefd2 are the same person. Please ban them both immediately.

There’s no point in me trying to fix pages they vandalize while they’re still active, so I’m just gonna make a list of songs to fix when they get banned. ASSUMING THEY GET BANNED AS SOON AS A MODERATOR SEES THESE MESSAGES.

Anyway here’s some of the songs they’re vandalizing:
The Fix

Anyone else who’s waiting for the mods to step in, feel free to reply with any other songs currently being vandalized. I can’t do this anymore rn I gotta sleep.

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We got another one, Jefd3

Edit: It looks like Jefd2 has been banned, and Jefd3 is just them coming back again. The fact that a user can get banned and then immediately come back with a new account (like we saw with the racist person) means the system is not robust enough.

Also here’s a couple more pages they’re vandalizing that we’ll need to fix, after the user is banned.

Sweet Home Alabama
Good For You
Family Guy Theme
Hold On We’re Going Home

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Please ban Jefd3 they’re still vandalizing pages!

More pages they’re ruining:
Slow Hands
Get Lucky
How To Save A Life
Won’t Want For Love
Same Old Love
Don’t Speak

I’m going crazy, why won’t anyone do anything?! This has been going on all day! Please ban Jefd3!

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@chris @DSchwachhofer @Ryan can we give some trusted community members mod powers or something. i nominate quentin. i feel like this alone would help a lot against vandalism and relieve stress within the community.


I’d love to help out, too. Lots of artist names/song titles that need to be fixed, duplicates that were never deleted, etc.

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Can we get a @YoMama1999 ban? Is “go die” an acceptable reason for an edit on this site? @chris @Ryan @DSchwachhofer


Agreed 100%. I love seeing everyone band together to talk about how much this person sucks, and I even tried to be generous to them at first. Now I see that they’re nothing but a disrespectful, petulant child. Also they may or may not have been behind the Jefd2 and Jefd3 vandalism, so that’s another strike against them. Yeah moderators, please ban YoMama1999. We’d all be better off without them around.


I wonder if an IP ban is possible lol. They’re definitely all the same person


I just sent an email to Hooktheory support, asking to ban YoMama1999. I included links to other threads where we talk about them. I also highlighted the “go die” comment because that should warrant an immediate ban, on top of all the other crap they’ve done.