Please ban BabaLand

It appears to be another alt account of MoreKB.

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reported to support. in the meantime please lookout for more alts


At the very least, these aren’t vandalisms of existing tabs and are instead adding junk sections to pages (or brand new song pages with junk sections). But yeah I’ve also reported this user.

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Has this account even been banned at any point? It’s quite a flawed system if a user can just reactivate a banned account without being actively unbanned by an admin.

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@chicknzz @Quentin136 How did support respond to your ban requests 2 weeks ago?

They told me the user had been banned. Apparently that wasn’t the case. I’ve told them about it and sent another request now.

I was wondering if maybe there was a bug where you can reactivate a banned account by creating a new account with the exact same username.

With an active account you should normally get an error message that this username is already taken, but maybe that’s not the case with banned accounts?

It’s hard for me to believe that Keira would have remained inactive for a whole 11 days if their account hadn’t been banned during that time.

The account is still around.

the account Its banned though

Okay, that’s good then.