Nudging with ALT + Left, Right stops working

Sometimes nudging with ALT + Left, Right stops working. It still works with the nudge buttons in the menu.


Thank you for your feedback. I couldn’t reproduce the issue. Might it be that you switched to Text Edit mode by accident? This would prevent the nudging function.

How do i (accidently) switch to text edit mode? I havent entered any lyrics yet. I use the crome Hookpad App. Still wonder if it would be better to work in the standard Chrome Browser.


The text edit mod doesn’t have to do anything with lyrics. It’s just a different way of entering notes into the melody section. If text text entry is selected, all notes to the right are shifted when you’re inserting a new note, just like in any text editor.

You can enable this either in the preferences.

Or you can just hit the “M” key. This one is easy to hit by accident.

I think if you open the installed app, behind the scenes Hookpad is also opened with Chrome browser, so there should be no differences. It’s exactly the same app, opened with Chrome.