Notes spanning key change display incorrectly after key change

Only in hookpad projects, if a note spans over a key change, it will have the same pitch when played (as it should) but is displayed incorrectly (e.g. the C after the key change to Db major should display as pink but instead it displays as pink-purple stripes)

And the G after the key change to C Locrian should display as green-blue stripes but instead it displays as green

@chris @Ryan @dave not fixed as of 2.16.2

Thank you, @Vaz. Fixed in 2.16.3

This bug seems to have returned. It’s been doing this for a while, so it’s probably not a recent change causing it.

Screenshot 2024-04-07 013429

In my quick testing it seems that every mode change has some mismatched semitones, including modal interchanges and between relative modes, as seen here. Key changes that retain the mode do not have this behavior.

Thank you for your feedback.

I have put it onto my toFixList.

This bug is also present in the bridge section of this page: Algo Esta Cambiando by Julieta Venegas Chords, Melody, and Music Theory Analysis - Hooktheory

We were able to fix the problem. It should work with the next update.

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