There is a lot of good help available for Hookpad. And the team is continuing to develop the product. All that… great. But what I don’t see anywhere are the keyboard shortcuts to move around the staff.
For example, I want to know the keyboard shortcut to move to the beginning of the piece. I’d like to also be able to jump back and forth on measures at the bar lines and I also need to know how to move around via keyboard shortcuts within a measure.
Surely with all this help info available, someone can link me to the page where all this is discussed?
Thanks so much!
OK, I can see now I can use the left and right arrows to move around some. But I want to work only from the keyboard. Has anyone ever created a cheat sheet of all the key commands I can use? Again, I know a lot of this is written down in the help. What I’m looking for is a comprehensive list of keyboard commands I can use. Anybody ever developed something like this?
Thanks again,
Hey Kevin,
here is a list of our keyboard shortcuts:
There might be some special/newer ones which are missing there but you should find the most important ones.
Hey Dennis, thanks so much for being so responsive. The app has made great strides in the year and half I was away. It has so much new and useful functionality. So thanks for that also.
I already have that list of shortcuts bookmarked, but please do update the list as new shortcuts are added.
I’m thinking that it’s going to be impossible to work fully from the keyboard in Hookpad. Would you agree? I say that because I did notice that manipulating measures was not included in the list of shortcuts and, in fact, what happens when you select a measure is that you get all these buttons… too many I think to set up shortcuts for. So I am backing off on that suggestion. But, as noted, just keep the shortcuts updated and I’ll be fine. Thanks again.
Thanks for your kind words!
Yes, doing everything with keyboard shortcuts isn’t possible at the moment. I’m also not sure if something like this can grow naturally or if we needed to kill most shortcuts and start new from scratch with a well-thought system. But that’s always a hard step to do for our users.
I’ll ask around who is responsible for the shortcut doc.