If I try to export a midi file from Safari I click on the “export as midi” and it doesn’t do anything. If I do the same thing using Chrome it works as expected. I haven latest version of Safari and Apple softbware for MBP.
i have the same problem!
Same problem here as well.
I’m having the same problem. No midi exporting is a huge problem. Please advise.
Hi all,
Sorry for the trouble, we’re trying to isolate this problem. Can you also include your OS and whether this is happening just in Safari, or also in other browsers? Some users have reported seeing this problem with the migration to Mac OSX High Sierra, but we want to see if other configurations are seeing this as well.
This could be the case. I had just upgraded to OSX High Sierra and I had never had any issues prior. I only use safari as a browser so I’ll have to get back to you on that. Thanks so much!
Just tested on my MacBook Pro running High Sierra v10.13.2.
Safari (v11.0.2) NO export to MIDI or WAV
Chrome YES export to MIDI and WAV
Please let me know if you need any additional details.
Works fine in Chrome, thank you again.
Thank you, and do all of you have updated version of Adobe Flash player?
Hi all,
We pushed a fix and now you should be able to download MIDI files in Safari on OSX High Sierra. Please let me know if you have additional problems