I’ve seen this a lot when looking at theorytabs, if a previous contributor added lyrics then it won’t be able to load
Thanks for the report, we are looking into this and should have a fix soon.
@Vaz123, this has been fixed. Thank you for bringing it to our attention!
@chris I don’t think so, there was a theorytab that couldn’t load and it was because of lyrics
I think I stumbled across this issue when I accidentally added some lyrics to this tab:
- Doesn’t load: https://www.hooktheory.com/theorytab/view/eric-clapton/for-jack
- Loads in Flash player: https://www.hooktheory.com/theorytab/revision/id/647257
I also can’t figure out how to remove the lyrics – if I edit to remove them and save, they still end up on the new revision.