How do i remove a band change

Once I place a band change, I can’t move it or delete it. Am I missing something? I’m trying to place the drum fills where I want them, not just on measure 8, 16, etc. If I add a pickup measure or have 8 lines of verse before the chorus, the fills are off. Even if I specify that I want fill 1 on measure 16, it still inserts fill 2 (but says it’s fill 1).

You remove a band change the same way you would remove a key, tempo, or meter change - select the band change you want to delete and press backspace.

I’m not aware of any way to move band changes around, but you could insert a number of empty measures before or after the band change and then drag the contents of the piano roll to where you want them to be and delete the empty measures at the start or end of the section.

Although at that point it would probably be easier to just create a new band change and delete the old one. :slight_smile:

:tada: Yaaay! That worked! I’ve been struggling with this for 2 months on various songs! THANK YOU!

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i use sections and map the band to each section - whether they’re different or not. if they’re the same, then adjacent bands are joined across sections. but in general, i’m tweaking sections with single measure bands for additional percussion (that break or roll), increasing number of instruments for a chorus vs verse, etc. so most times copying a section reliably keeps the band settings consistent with each one.

Hi, let me try to explain this.
The drums are always counting their 8/16 bars from the last band change they’re seeing or if they can’t find one, the start of the song. If you need a pickup bar in your song, you can add an additional bar 0 in the preferences. Now the drums will start with a pickup in bar 0 and then play fills in bar 8 and 16 etc.

But the drums are also forced to play a fill-in in the bar before every band change marker. So the easiest way to get a drum fill in a specific bar is to place a band change marker at the next bar. You can then even select if the drums should play fill 1 or 2 in the band of the previous band marker.

Please let me know if this helped.