First of all, just want to say thanks for creating and providing this wonderful resource called Hooktheory. This site is a very big aid and inspirational tool to aspiring songwriters and I’m committed to providing support to you guys in any way I can.
I want to report a bug concerning saving Hookpad tabs. When you are editing a tab in Hookpad, and click the save button for the first time, I get the confirmation message at the top of my browser that the tab has been saved and it seems there are no issues reopening the tab from my list of saved tabs. However, if you further do any edits to this saved tab, and want to save your new changes to the tab, when the save button is clicked, you are prompted whether you want to overwrite the tab if the name is still the same. When ‘yes’ is clicked, the same confirmation ‘tab has been saved’ message appears, but it seems like the tab isnt being updated with the changes, as if you reopen this tab you will see that it is still the first unedited version that appears. I have tried changing the name of the edited tab every time I save and I’m still encountering this bug where the changes are not saved.
I’m using Google Chrome browser. Please look into this bug and fix as it could be very disheartening to a user when they have created a completed tab with great melody and chords and save it, only for the user to find that the tab was not saved on Hooktheory thus losing all the work and they have to go in and reconstruct the tab.