Sometimes when I tag a song with a genre and/or add it to one of my collections, and then refresh the page, it undoes those actions. If I re-add it to my collection, it shows up twice in that collection. This is only a minor annoyance, but I just want to put it out there in case anyone else is experiencing this, and to see if it can be fixed.
This has been happening a lot more lately, particularly after I edit or add a new section to a TheoryTab.
This still happens all the time! I tag a song with genres, then when I visit the song later, the genre tags are gone.
Is there anyone else who has this problem? All the boxes I check in the “Genres” and “Add this page to your collections” dropdown menus become unchecked on their own, and it’s been happening for over a year now.
This still keeps happening! I add genre labels to a song, and then next time I go to the song page, the genres are gone!
I’ve completely stopped using the collections feature for exactly this reason. I’m now doing it the oldschool way and bookmark TheoryTab pages in my browser. It’s a bit inconvenient and I obviously can’t access my saved TheoryTabs from a different browser, but that way at least I know they’re not just going to disappear all of a sudden.
I’ve noticed this with genre tags as well, but there’s no way to know for sure whether it’s really a bug, or whether the genre tag was removed by another user. I do that myself sometimes, as a lot of users just spam genres like crazy. I think there’s rarely any justification for more than 2 genre tags on a song.