It would really be great if we had the option on the chords to also specify things like open voicings, rootless voicings, drop 2, four, five and maybe even six note voicings, and other things like that along with the other chord qualities. Some are available in the harmonization of the melody but for the main chords would be a nice addition.
Hi, thank you for the suggestion. This is actually something I’ve been thinking about for a long time. I thought about adding some options like this when I created the instrument mixer. But then I had to make it smaller to fit into the space where it is right now and I left out the more complicated things.
But it’s still on my todo list and I’d like to add those options one day. It will take a while as I’m working on something else right now but perhaps it will be some of my next projects.
I was thinking over side where you set the attributes for the chords and have the borrowed chords but I went and looked again and noticed it was quite full as well.
Maybe another popup menu up on the top like for chord search and progressions and do away with the side panel altogether? It would probably be cleaner and more consistent. I could even see moving the band panel up there in a popup as well.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
The problem with voicings is that each instrument comes with a different voicing, so you have to be able to adjust the voicing for each harmony instrument. So I think the best place for this is somewhere in the band section where you have access to all instruments.
As you need to adjust band instruments while playing your song, the band section needs to have its own panel. A pop-up would overlay over parts of the score so you’d have to close and reopen it permanently.
so a small icon on the row for a instrument which if you click it opens the side panel for voicing settings?
with the option to turn on or off the voicing settings (e.g. one section i copy to another section and in section 1 i have a alternate voicing on the piano, and in the copied section 2 i turn it off and turn on the guitar voicing). i.e. voicing settings persist across sections, but not bands: new band, new settings.
they would be “latched” like you do in the mute/solo “buttons”. maybe push the octave slider over and put the voicing icon between volume and octave sliders. putting anything next to the delete icon (“x”) would not be good (actually in any app, it’s a bad choice )
Yeah, let’s put the button in the middle of the delete button. This way I don’t even need to hook up the button as nobody will dare to click on it anyway.
But I agree somewhere in there should be a button with an option. We could also remove the octave and volume fader of all instruments as soon as the mixer panel is opened which would give us space for one additional options panel inside the instrument mixer.
I think you’re right that voicings are often connected more to sections than to bands. But the bands can change inside a section and so instruments might be in the first band of the section, but not in the second band. So it might be complicated to find a logic for that.
i think if the band is the demarcation of the voicing settings and limited that range e.g. Band1 - Band2 = 1 set of voicing, then a section “flag” simply toggles it on or off e.g. section 1 = on for instrument 1, section 2 = off for instrument 1 etc. basically should work whether a single band1 or one per measure
so an array perhaps like:
bandid { sectionid->instrumentid->voiceid;
->instrumentid->voiceid; }
bandid { sectionid->instrumentid->voiceid;
->instrumentid->voiceid; }
bandid { sectionid->instrumentid->voiceid;
->instrumentid->voiceid; }
conceptually you could go further with voicings per instrument type for reusing - all selected piano parts will use voicing 1 or switch to voicing 2 in the next section etc.