Why are commas and &s not allowed in song titles?

It’s very annoying that you can’t put commas and ampersands (&s) in song names or artist names for TheoryTabs, since many songs are by multiple artists and/or by artist duos that use &s in their name itself. For some songs (for example, “Tremor” by Martin Garrix and Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike), this restriction literally forces you to completely butcher the song title. Why does this restriction exist, and couldn’t it be lifted?

Also, maybe it would be an idea to allow multiple artists to be added separately to a single TheoryTab, because as it stands now, any songs by multiple artists which have been properly credited to all artists by the creator of a TheoryTab don’t get added to the catalogues of said artists, since HookPad currently treats the multiple artists listed in the song title as one single artist and creates a separate catalogue for it.


Commas, question marks, exclamation points, slashes, periods and the ampersand should really be implemented. I doubt it’s hard to code.

Would love to see it in the next update!

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depends - in some cases, symbols can cause search issues (exclamation, question marks), incompatibility with file systems (slashs, question marks), and HTML codes (ampersands) etc.

so some additional validation and possible substitutions would likely be desirable…


Right now, this seems to be because the artist name and title appear in the URL of the respective Theorytab. While this makes them easier to find by just typing in those URLs, the following characters are reserved for special functions, such as delimiting individual parts of the address: : / ? # [ ] @ ! $ & ' ( ) * + , ; =
This applies to all URLs.