Weird Mixer Behavior

Now I’m playing around with the mixer solo buttons. Viewed behavior doesn’t match my expectations. For example, somehow the mixer is showing the solo button enabled for the bass track (that’s what I was playing around with and I did press it), but when I start playback the whole band plays. If I turn the solo button off while stopped, then on playback it soloes the bass. IOW, my mixer currently shows the bass soloed (orange headphones) but when I start playback the whole band plays. When I stop again, and press the solo button to turn the solo bass off (so now all solo buttons are off), then the bass is soloed on playback. This is a bug.

I’m on iPad.


Yes, that doesn’t seam right. I believe that you might somehow have triggered something that reversed the state of the toggle mechanism. But it’s hard to say what that was. One thing you can try next time is the de-solo-all button at the top. This might reset all the logic so it should work properly again.

Are you using Safari or Chrome on your iPad? Since you’re experiencing lots of things I can’t replicate in my browser I might have to open Hookpad with a tablet more often.
