Tone Sets: After selecting a chord, don't clear the selected tones

After selecting a chord, don’t clear the selected tones. I frequently use tone sets to experiment with different chords, and clearing the selected tones makes this process annoying to do.


Bumping this request. I mostly use the Tone Set palette for particularly tricky or awkward harmonies, and I’ll often try out a few chords before settling on one. It’s annoying to have to reenter four or five notes every time. I would love to have the previous search saved. There’s already a Reset button at the bottom in the multiselect mode, so that button could just be present all the time.

This is in contrast to the ordinary text-based search, which I don’t think should save the last search. It’s much quicker to retype a chord name than to reselect notes, and the user is more likely to be happy with their first choice and not want to repeat the search.

(Also, I’m curious if anyone actually uses Tone Set in anything but multiselect mode. Maybe multiselect should be the default?)


Hi, thanks for the request. But isn’t that the current behavior or did I misunderstand anything?

I open Tone Sets in Hookpad, select Multiselect and two or more notes. After that I can click on all chords I see on the right side which have the selected notes in them. Each time I click on a chord, the chord is written into the chord editor but the selection of my tone sets is staying.

Was I testing the right thing?

Edit: When searching for chords as soon as I click on a selected chord, the search term in the text input field is selected so you can type in another chord immediately.


I tested and was surprised that this is exactly what happened, since it’s not been my experience. I entered some chords from Tone Sets, typed a few more, went back to Tone Sets and found the last search saved, and everything was hunky-dory. However, as soon as I put some notes in the melody, Tone Sets went back to the behavior I’m used to. Here’s a video:

This also happened when I opened a blank project, entered a melody, then tried Tone Sets. It always defaulted to a single note and never remembered my last search, even in a bar that had no melody:

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It seems like when the Tone Sets menu is opened, “use the current or last note from the melody” takes priority over “remember what the user last searched for.” Maybe that’s desired behavior when composing (although I’m skeptical, particularly based on OP’s request), but it’s definitely inferior for transcribing.

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@ecannyx Thanks for bringing this up again. I’ve always been frustrated by this tool too and don’t really use it much for that reason.

My ideal workflow would be to select some existing melody notes, open Tone Sets to find the multiselect prepopulated with those notes (but still editable), then of course audition several chords without having start all over again each time.