Will you ever add support for characters like these to Theorytab posts?:
. (period to be used for feat.)
A lot of songs in other languages use these characters in their titles so I think it is important to add them so that that the database can be more representative of all music while making sure that songs in other languages are spelled correctly. @dave@Ryan@chris
I’m not sure if this is possible right now. The URLs for specific theorytabs are generated from the text you enter into the Artist and Name fields when submitting – they always have the form https://www.hooktheory.com/theorytab/view/<artist-name>/<song-name>. The standard DNS system used for resolving domain names and link to the webpage in question has support the 128 ASCII characters; the most basic character set every computer must have. Accented letters and the like are encoded via UTF-8 which converts those letters into a standardized string of symbols. Some symbols always have special functions in URLs, such as . , ? & # / and therefore probably should not be used in the indexing scheme Hooktheory is currently using.
PS: please keep in mind that I am not a developer and I do not work for Hooktheory.