Lyrics - Vox or AI Voice instrument

It would be really cool to integrate a vocal instrument that could “sing” lyrics and even more suggest melodies similar to the “Magic” chord progression tool. This could be a great asset to songwriters who want inspiration, don’t sing well or are using this tool in a place where they can’t sing.

Here is an example of an AI voice tool that is evolving:

Here is an example of a vocal melody tool that is under development:

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I tried Emvoice One, but it still isn’t there yet. They offer 4 human voices and a Vodocorder voice, but none of the voices are very powerful, IMO. Madison comes the closest, but is more jazz/blues sound. Of the two male voices, neither was a good baritone or base, and neither female voice was a “belter”. The main problem I encountered was that files created in EmVoice can only be exported as vp1 files, which my DAW doesn’t recognize. So it’s pretty useless as a substitute for vocals on a song demo. And it took their customer service rep 4 DAYS to get back to me on chat to tell me that, so i requested a refund. Interesting concept, though.

Synth V Pro is the way to go