I enter lyrics to prepare for the melody. I save the project. Then when I open the project the lyrics are no longer there. This also happens when I enter 111 and place lyrics behind this like i used to do like a scratch pad area. The 111 and the lyrics are no longer saved! I would like to be able to save lyrics somewhere in the lyrics box as I work on a project as I was able to do before.
one note on preserving lyrics: one thing i do for lyrics - notepad++ - i have both regular textual only lyrics, and then also broken out by syllables with [space][dash] or appended [dash], or [space][plus] etc etc etc to format to the tool (in my case either HookPad or Synth V).
then copy & paste the syllable lyrics into the tool(s) from the source file. and if i need formatted, copy and paste textual only into something like Google Docs and format (and most often includes BPM, key, meter, and chord progressions, section marker etc).
Hi, I’m sorry for your troubles.
Unfortunately I couldn’t replicate any unsaved lyrics. What browser/operating system are you using?
As for the “111”, there is now a far more easier way to get a lyrics scratch pad. Just create an empty section at the end of the song. Now you can start writing your lyrics there. As long as there are no notes in this section, the lyrics will never show inside your song.
I’m having the same problem with one of my songs. All the lyrics were in place except for the bridge, and when I added the bridge lyrics and saved the file, they were not there when I re-opened the song (even though the timestamp shows that the file was saved). I’m using Windows 11 Home, Microsoft Edge Version 126.0.2592.113 (Official build) (64-bit). I tested the song in Firefox and it’s also happening there. Can you guys PLEASE fix this problem ASAP. It makes me not trust that the changes I have made are actually being saved. When I spend time adding lyrics then they just disappear, it’s very disheartening.
Hi,I’m sorry for that.
Are those lyrics disappearing only in the song arrangement or also in the lyrics window?
Could you please tell me the name of the song so I can have a look at what’s happening and find a solution?
They’re disappearing in both places. It’s my own song, so I’m not sure how you will be able to look into it. And it is happening in more than one song. But it’s so sporadic. I can’t find a rhyme or reason why it’s happening in different places in different songs. It’s the 6th section (Bridge) in one song and the 7th section (Chorus) in another song. No consistency.
If the song is in our database, I can have a look at it. If you give me a name, I’ll find it.
Were those songs created recently, or are they older?
I had a look at your song, and somehow the lyrics state of the bridge is in a wrong format. I have no idea how this happened. This might have been introduced into your project a while ago. It might also already be fixed for newer projects. I’ll keep an open eye for those kind of issues.
One thing you can do to fix your old project is to select the section flag of the broken Bridge inside your arrangement (not the one at the top in section view) and press the BACKSPACE key on your keyboard. This will remove the section flag, but not the music. After that you can recreate the section again with by selecting the bar in click on “Create Section”. This should bring the lyrics state of the Bridge section in to the right format to be saved and opened again.
Sorry for the inconvenience!