Incorrect spelling in Hookpad after changing project key

This mostly happens when changing from a sharp key to a flat key and vice versa. Different sets of notes and different keys lead to different spelling errors. Here are a few examples:

  • Entering the 7 diatonic notes in F# major and then changing the key to Db major results in scale degrees 4 to 6 being spelled F#, G#, A#.

  • When entering the 5 non-diatonic notes in F# major (by adding sharps) and then changing the key to Db major, the note between Gb and Ab is spelled F## and the note between Ab and Bb is spelled G## (which would be the triply augmented 4th scale degree in Db major).

  • When entering the 7 diatonic chords in F# major and then changing the key to Db major, the chords are spelled with a seemingly random mix of sharps and flats. Sometimes they’re spelled correctly with only flats, sometimes they’re spelled with only sharps and sometimes it’s a wild mix of both. The result changes every time. This way you can even get enharmonic equivalents within a single chord like on this screenshot (Ab in the left hand, G# in the right hand):

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Okay, upon further experimentation, this seems to be an issue with the piano. It seems like notes can’t be overwritten on the piano, so once you enter a C# into the piano roll, the note between C and D will always be displayed as C# in that octave, even after changing the key to Db. Toggling the “Show Piano” switch in the settings seems to fix this reliably. I still think a permanent fix would be great as this could be really confusing to beginners (and annoying to more experienced users).

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what’s interesting - there are a number of software products which do the same thing - always a # vs reflecting the scale (b or #) - almost like someone in the music theory world let people skip that day in class LOL.

Thank you very much for bringing this to our attention. I’ll have a look at it. Perhaps we forgot to update the piano for key changes etc.

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I was able to fix this. It should work after the next update.


Seems to be fixed now