Inconsistent communication about Aria pricing/free-to-use

I tried using Aria and got this error after just barely getting to play around with it

However, Introducing Aria - Your personal AI co-creator for chords and melodies says that Aria is completely free for existing users during the Beta

Is Aria free to use?

Aria is currently in beta, which means we are still fine-tuning its features and capabilities to provide you with the best possible songwriting assistant. During this beta period, Aria is available for Hookpad owners (monthly, yearly, or lifetime) completely free of charge.

Once Aria moves out of beta, it will be available as a paid add-on to Hookpad. There will also be a free version with limited capabilities.

The word “Beta” is placed everywhere, so it would seem that Aria is still in the beta period

Is Aria free or not free during the Beta? I have paid for Hookpad so if the text on that page is accurate, then I should have access to it, but I only barely got to try it with the limit of 10 requests. Some other people also mention a limit of 50, so I’m not sure why I only had a limit of 10. A limit of 10 seems more like a free trial than being available completely free of charge

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I really like the Aria feature but I’m experiencing the same problem. The message about the limit of 10 requests came today even without me reaching 10. As if the notification got stuck in the system because of the 10 I did yesterday. I tried to log out/ log in again of course but that didn’t make the notification go away :-(. I’m also a paying customer so I assumed I would have unlimited access to Aria.


Dear Hooktheory,

I’m sorry but I agree with “sapp” about the lack of communication about ARIA.

It would have been polite and friendly to pass an information note on the change of Aria’s status, from the free beta version to the paid version.

Instead of leaving users in the dark about what was going on.

In addition, all the questions asked on this subject, both on the forum and by email on the support, have not received any answers.

You have a very nice app that I hope will improve, but I think you should make a serious effort for communication.

Not answering your users’ questions is probably not a good option.

Feel free to contact me,

Sincerely yours.

Sorry for the unclear communication on this. We will clean up the language on the website.

Let me try to answer the questions here though.

  1. Aria is a separate Hookpad extension and does cost extra (i.e owning/paying for the base Hookpad program doesn’t come with Aria by default). Currently GPU inference resources for doing the music generation is very expensive (it costs more than hosting the rest of the website combined). Hopefully this will change and we can lower the price, but we are not a huge company that can afford to subsidize.

2). If you don’t pay for Aria you are limited to 10 suggestions per day. (This is per suggestion viewed not accepted so you keep asking for additional suggestions for a single area you will use all of the allotment).

  1. Currently the limit of 10 is based on use during the trailing 24 hours (i.e it doesn’t try to figure out your time zone and reset at midnight).

  2. Though we have started charging for Aira in this phase are keeping the Beta label for now to convey that Aria is still under very active development and that things are in flux and may change. On that note we have some exciting improvements in the works that we hope to share soon!

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Hi Dave,

thank you for your answer.

Things are now clear.

It is important for me and surely for your other customers.

Glad to see that you can take time to answer.

I also have another question about the difficulties to pay since you have no more PayPal for subscriptions, but I think I will explain it in a new topic.

Best regards.