I’m trying to write chord progressions that use all chords from major and another parallel mode (once and only once). This one is for major and Lydian, and I can’t figure out an ending that I like. Does someone else want to give it a shot?
Strictly following the rules, only the major chords are left (or the equivalent Lydian I, iii, V and vi). Ideally it should resolve back to A at the end so it can start again. I know this is a random challenge, but if someone wants to try it I’d love to see what you come up with. in the meantime I’ll keep working on it.
Also, I started it in 7/4 time signature, which maybe was a bad idea. Feel free to change anything about it.
EDIT: Finally came up with something http://www.hooktheory.com/hookpad/view/CFFogQBHvOfS