Export chord progression as MIDI file

Hi there,
I am new in HookPad.
Is it possible to export chord progression as MIDI file?
I’ve export midi file successfully and import the file into Logic pro X,
But the chord progression doesn’t show.
Could you please help?

Hi Vincent, thank you for your question.

Am I right that you want the chord progression to show up in Logic’s chord track? I don’t think that this is currently supported. Does this work with other MIDI files you imported?

One thing which could help with the chords is to select the “Piano Only” option when exporting to MIDI. It just exports full chords with no rhythmic information. I think you should be able to drag the chords from that into your chord track and it should recognize all chords automatically.



Hi Dennis,
Thanks for your quick reply.
Yes, I want the chord progression to show up in Logic’s chord track.
I try to drag the chords from the piano track into the chord track of Logic ,but it shows : “Drag regions contain chords here” and no other response.
Is there something wrong with my procedure?

Best Regard!
