Easy Pickup Measure Button

Too many TheoryTabs either don’t have a pickup measure when they should, or instead use a shortened 1st measure which visually stretches out the rest of the tab.

I think there should be an easy button that says “add pickup” or just a “+” symbol, something like this:


I would generally agree, but considering how pickup measures are currently handled in TheoryTabs, I’d actually prefer if people used the first measure as a pickup measure and added a line break right after, because this is absolutely horrible:

Sure, the indentation clearly communicates that there’s a pickup measure present, but having only 7 measures per line makes it a nightmare to look at. The screenshot above has the same 4 measures repeating over and over, but due to the uneven number of measures per line it looks like it’s constantly changing. Especially with more complex music it becomes almost impossible to visually identify repeating patterns this way. I think the way they currently work, pickup measures make TheoryTabs worse instead of improving them.

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I never even considered that, because I have the single line with scroll bar for my TheoryTab view settings.

In that case, the priority should be for pickup measure display in this mode to be fixed so it doesn’t offset the rest of the measures.

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I completely agree that pickup measures should be a very useful feature but are currently unusable due to the line break and TheoryTab stretch bugs.

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Yes, I agree. Having line breaks after 7 regular bars isn’t right. Thanks for bringing this up! I’ll ad it to our fix list.


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I would looove that quick pickup measure button

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In Hookpad’s preferences there is already a pickup button.

Perhaps this is what you’re looking for?


My problem is that this specific button is buried in the options menu, when I think it’d be better for it to be on the main screen alongside the other “add/delete measures” buttons.

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Key changes are also causing premature line breaks by the way: