Blues, Blues shuffle & Dark Electro Templates don't work

I can’t get my templates for Blues, Blues shuffle and Dark Electro working. Any chance to fix this please?

Thank you for reporting this. We’ll try to come up with a fix as soon as possible.


Sorry about this, we have a fix for it and will have it online shortly

So Dennis, how come those and other templates keep on disapearing?
In my business if I only supply parts of a product I charge my customers accordingly.
Will my subscription be extended the time I have to live without those templates?
Regards - Udo

@usoc this was a bug in our templates code, there are only those 3 templates that are broken, if you are experiencing otherwise please let us know. There will be a fix online either today or tomorrow, we had to combine this fix with some other drum fixes, so it took us a few more days than anticipated, we appreciate your patience

this is fixed in 2.26.5