7/8 time signature

Is there a way I can get 7/8 time signature in the Hookpad?

No, I’m afraid not really. The only thing you could do is to combine 4/4 and 3/4 meters to get something like a 7/4 meter. I know it’s not the same but this is as close as you can get.


Can you please guide how to create this? From my point of view it seems to be a combursome and time taking activtity.


Yeah, it might take some time to set this up.
You select a bar by clicking in the region with the numbers and then click on “Change Meter”. Then you can select a new meter for each bar.

You could then create a song section and copy this section a few times. Copying a section also copies meter changes. I’ve created a file for you which you can download here.
