UI not working (del, copy, paste)

I’m back. Lot of little weird things going on. I’m on an iPad.

  1. 8 measures to a row right? I mistakenly jumped ahead one measure so I started on measure 9 when I should’ve been finishing up on 8. So I go to delete measure 8 - there’s no way to do it. I select the measure and press the Delete key. Nada. There is no Backspace key on iPad. I try using the UI buttons to delete. Nada.
  2. I try to copy the notes from measure 9 over to measure 8. I select the notes but using C and V doesn’t work. The UI buttons at top of screen don’t work either. They click but nothing happens.

Essentially, I need to delete a measure. But I can’t. This should be simple but it’s not.

Is all this because I am working on iPad or is it that this stuff on the UI simply doesn’t work? I’ve quit and restarted the app several times. (I am not working in a browser but in the app instead.)

Thanks all,

Hey Kevin, thank you for bringing this up. I just checked everything on my iPad.
Screenshot 2025-01-13 at 08.58.41

So for me the copy and paste buttons worked, the delete button also works but just deletes notes and chords, not the measure itself.

To delete your measure you can use this delete button here:

Please let me know if the works for you.


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Hi DS, the problem is intermittent. I used to program so for me the most likely culprit is that the focus isn’t always changing as it should. It looks like there are circumstances where the focus gets locked on another UI element and won’t change even when clicking (pressing) away from the staves. I know this isn’t terribly helpful, since I don’t yet see a way to replicate the problem, but when I do, I’ll post back. Thanks for replying to me.

Thanks, having replicatable bugs is always a great help, we appreciate that.