I’m back. Lot of little weird things going on. I’m on an iPad.
- 8 measures to a row right? I mistakenly jumped ahead one measure so I started on measure 9 when I should’ve been finishing up on 8. So I go to delete measure 8 - there’s no way to do it. I select the measure and press the Delete key. Nada. There is no Backspace key on iPad. I try using the UI buttons to delete. Nada.
- I try to copy the notes from measure 9 over to measure 8. I select the notes but using C and V doesn’t work. The UI buttons at top of screen don’t work either. They click but nothing happens.
Essentially, I need to delete a measure. But I can’t. This should be simple but it’s not.
Is all this because I am working on iPad or is it that this stuff on the UI simply doesn’t work? I’ve quit and restarted the app several times. (I am not working in a browser but in the app instead.)
Thanks all,