Scrolling Bug Stops Auto-Scroll

If there is a blinking cursor in either the notes or chords section, the app no longer auto-scrolls and thus doesn’t show “hidden staves” as playback continues. With no blinking cursor auto-scroll works as it should. I would suggest the auto-scroll behavior be consistent whether or not there is a blinking cursor.

Use case: listening to song in its entirety and some staves are hidden when playback starts. (I have 4.) Also, note that I have set it to loop.


Hey Kevin,

thank you for reporting this. I’m not sure I can reproduce this. So you turn on a loop for a part which is bigger than your screen and then your cursor is somewhere in that loop or somewhere else? Does that matter? And if that’s the case your autoscroll doesn’t work anymore?

Do you talk about vertical or horizontal scrolling or both?

What machine/browser is this happening in? I believe you’re using an iPad?
