Same YouTube song repeating.. not able to change it

Only one song is repeating in the module. Not possible to get any new ones… I tried closing, reopening…very frustrating…

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Hi, I’m sorry for your frustration. Is this happening in Chord Crush?


Same here and it’s on Chord Crush. It was working well when I wasn’t logged in for some reason, but after login in it stayed stuck on One Direction and another song.

So I went to do some level up exercises and came back to the same song by one direction.
Thought i’d reset my chordcrush level. Got one different songs but then right back to 5x one direction at which point i gave up.

Any solution?

same here I am stuck to One Direction… So it seems to be a general problem. Solution will really be welcome. as this is really frustrating…

we are looking into this. Did all of you happen to reset your chord crush progress? I’m wondering if it may be related to this as it doesn’t seem to be happening to everybody

Can you try now? There was an issue with the puzzle ratings that was leading to a lack of songs in the 100 rating range (which is what you start with). Should be better now though!

HI thanks Dave. It works again here on my side… I hope not being in the top 100 still makes it possible to work :rofl:. All the best.