Request for the deletion of a troll's account & their TheoryTab entries

I was looking at The Beatles’ discography on TheoryTab and came across this obvious troll submission of Hey Jude (linked here) that just links to the music video of Never Gonna Give You Up. The actual entry is just a bunch of tonic chords, and the only comment by the creator is a random keysmash. The creator, whose username is mostly random numbers, only has one other contribution, which is a nearly identical troll submission.

Edit: I looked at the troll’s account and they have some actual edits, so maybe don’t fully ban them? Not sure why they have 2 troll entries and then a bunch of real ones, but so be it.


What a shame, that people don’t take this platform seriously and think that they’re superior to others.

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iphone951361579 or something was used to be a mass vandalizer or something. Please write an email to to remove the tab.