Part of melody temporarily disappears and one octave turns white

I’m working on a TheoryTab draft and I’m here, with the cursor right after the last F#:

When I press “1” (using the keyboard OR the mouse) to enter an eighth-note G, the melody disappears from measures 9-12, and the area in the “lower octave” in those measures turns white:

Measures 1-8 and 13-16 are unaffected.

After entering the G, if I play back those measures, I hear the complete melody, including that G. And while I can’t select any part of the melody in those measures, if I make any edits, either with the computer keyboard, or with the mouse on the harmony, the melody and octave reappear as if nothing happened.

The bug is not a total fluke. I can go edit other measures, then come back and enter the G again, and get the exact same behavior, and it recurs if I step through the steps with undo/redo. However, from testing, reproducing this behavior seems to require extremely specific circumstances:
*the entered note has to be in that exact place in the melody.
*the entered note has to be a G.
*the entered note has to be an eighth note.

Hi and thank you for bringing this up!

That’s a very specific bug, I think we won’t get that reproduced somehow soon. Do you happen to still have saved a version of the song where that bug occurs? If you could give me a name of that song, I can look it up and see what’s going wrong.


I haven’t submitted it (partially because that transcription isn’t quite accurate), so it’s not accessible that way.

Can you access the files I’ve saved in the cloud? I just made a new minimal example there with the title “Melody disappearing bug.”

If not, it’s easy to replicate if you want. Make a new project, set it to G major, fill the first eight bars with harmony and melody (it doesn’t seem to matter what), and sync a YouTube video to those eight bars. Then add the melody and harmony in bars 9-12 of the image above, or copy/paste this:


Thanks for sharing this, I’ll have a look and see if I can find something.