Hello, I’m trying to figure out how to get chord inversions working on the right hand in Hookpad (just purchased it recently, so I’m quite new). It looks like only the bass note changes for the left hand,
I get the logic I guess, Just trying to emulate the regular way we do inversions when playing the piano. Similar to other tools like doing inversions in Scaler2 as well.
(I’m using hookpad to export midi, which is why I’m keen to get these specific notes to show)
Hi hi, thanks for replying. Yeah I understand. Totally get your idea, but was hoping to not have to set up chords manually in the melody in hookpad, might as well just edit the midi afterwards.
Yeah from doing some more digging it looks like there isn’t a way to do regular chord inversions on the app. Would be nice if it was added in the future. Its more common, and most importantly, sounds different.
Maybe even an option to save your own custom voicing of a chord to use would be cool! Then we could just do whatever we want. (That feature is in Scaler2 as well!)
Here are some random screen grabs of what I’m talking about, these are examples of the right hand inversions I’m expecting, that are quite useful for chord progressions.
That C major to G major in the graphic above has a distinct sound, and there seems to be no way to emulate that in hookpad. (unless I missed something)
Anyways thanks! I’ll probably just use another tool for now.
It is a trade-off. They have it set up for minimal movement so the chord changes don’t sound blocky. If you use their inversions, it will set the bass note to the note ie: C/G will have the bass as G. Of course it changes the sound of the right hand as well. I personally think that they made a good compromise but, yes, it does it differently than a real pianist would do.
Yes, as many of you pointed out, there is no direct control of the voicing for each chord. Inversions of a chord will create different bass notes for the bass instruments but leave the harmony instruments themselves untouched. Our harmony instruments have a voicing which is optimized to avoid big steps from one chord to another.
The only thing you can do to change the voicing is to use the octave slider in the band browser. Here you can change the top note of the voicing by half-tone steps. But this setting will shift all chords in the band section up or down.