Erroneous Hyphenation

In my most recent song a key lyric contains the word ‘scar’. Hookpad insists on hyphenating it as ‘s-car’. This is clearly ridiculous and renders the song lyrics unusable. Please fix this.

I was pre-pared to a-dd ly-rics to a tran-scrip-tion that I-‘m wor-king on, bu-t n-ow I’-m ha-ving se-cond thou-ghts.

Yes, sometimes the hyphenator is a bit strange. I added “scar” to our exceptions list. It should work after the next update.

Until then, an easy fix inside Hookpad for wrongly separated words is to just write a dash afterwards. “Scar-” will show up as one note in the editor. The dash won’t be exported in lyrics or score export.

But if you ever find wrongly hyphenated words again, just tell me and I’ll add them to our list.
