It’s a little frustrating that I can only copy a couple notes or a measure at a time (or one chord or a measure of a chord at a time.) Why can’t I copy, for example, four measures worth of notes (or chords) and paste them into later in the same project, or even a different project (as in, doing one section at a time in different projects?)
Hi, I’m sorry for your troubles.
You should be able to select more notes/chords/bars by drawing a selection window with your mouse, or finger if you’re using a tablet. After that press C or the copy button and paste again with V or the Paste button.
If you want to paste content you copied from another project you’ll need the “Paste Clipboard” option.
Please let me know what you’re trying to do and what fails.
i like to use sections. then in the section bar, i can just select the section i want, press C, position the cursor (at the end or somewhere else between sections) press V. done. one thing to note, if the band is the same in each section, it forms a single band across sections. since a lot of times i want to tweak band settings on sections, i also make sure each section has a band range defined so that it keeps the separation.
Thank you, but the problem is not my knowledge of the mechanics, but rather the fact that Hookpad won’t allow me to copy more than a couple of notes or chords at a time using those methods that you mentioned.
You should be able to copy more than that. One reason you might be having difficulties is that (at least for me) pasting typically doesn’t work across linebreaks, manual or automatic. So if my lines are eight bars long and I want to repeat a six-bar phrase, I’ll have to copy and paste the first two bars, filling up that line, then copy and past the last four bars on the next line.
Maybe that’s part of it.
Paste and copy should also work across line breaks, at least it does in my Chrome.
@favrion What happens when you try to copy more than a few notes?
@ecannyx What happens when you try to copy/past across line breaks? Are the notes just cut off?
What machines/browsers are you two using?
@DSchwachhofer The notes don’t transfer over and nothing gets pasted. I am using an Acer Aspire with Windows 11 on the latest edition of Google Chrome.
When I’ve had issues, it’s that nothing gets pasted at all: it either works perfectly or nothing happens.
It does appear to be a browser issue. I usually use Firefox, and I had this issue even in troubleshooting mode, so it shouldn’t be a problem with any of my extensions. I tried in Chrome and it worked fine.
I did some more systematic testing and found that I actually can paste across line breaks in Firefox, but only if I’m pasting into a line that has as many empty measures as I’m trying to paste.
In other words, let’s say I have three lines of eight measures each. The first twelve are full and the last twelve are empty, like this:
I can paste four or fewer measures starting on line 2, even if I would cross the line break, and end up with something like this:
But if I try to paste five or more measures into line 2, nothing happens. (It doesn’t even work if I try to paste at measure 9 and overwrite what I already have.)
Similarly, if I had
I could only paste three measures, since line 2 has three empty measures, etc.
Thank you for the detailed description. I think you have by accident enabled the Text entry mode in your Firefox’s Hookpad. Please check your Entry mode in the preferences. It should say “Table”.
I’m not sure why copying over line breaks doesn’t work in text entry mode. I will ask around if this is a bug or if it is intentional.
Yep, that’s it, thank you! I switched to Table entry (not sure why I had Text enabled) and that fixed it. Makes much more sense that that would be the reason, instead of the browser itself.
I’m glad we figured that out. It seams in Text Entry Mode the line breaks are limiting what gets shifted when you enter new notes/chords. Hence you can’t paste over those line breaks.
I guess that you accidentally triggered Text Entry Mode by hitting the “M” key. I’m now changing that shortcut to a two-key combination.