Copy and paste including the band of instruments

I don’t know how to copy and paste 4 chord and lead slots including the band, in Hookpad.

you can definitely copy and paste the melodies and chords, but not the band. what i do, i create sections, which are aligned with a band (even if it’s the same as a previous or following section) and then copy the section and paste (in the sections area). this typically merges the matching bands into a single one, but variations seem to be kept separate, so in those cases, i’ll add another instrument to a band to make it “unique” so it doesn’t merge.

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Thanks, I’ll read your explanation of how you do it three more times, but I think I’ve tried something like this and in the end I had to photograph the band on the computer screen with my phone so I could replicate it in the chord and melody copy.
This is certainly a good feature request for Hookpad, if someone hasn’t already asked for it.
Thanks a lot for your help.

quick views: sections + bands (two shown)

section B band 2 copied, now in section B band 5

note the label still shows section B band 2 - you can edit or leave as a reference to the source…

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Hi, thanks to fossile for already covering some answers but let me try to clarify a few things.

  • If you copy a section in the section view the bands (and all meter/key/tempos) will be copied, too.
  • If you just mark the measures, the markers won’t be copied.
  • There are a few other ways to copy a band:

I think that are all our options right now. Please let me know if this helped.



It will be very useful to me, more indirect but good.
Thank you very much.

I’ll keep that in mind.
Thank you very much for taking the time to capture screenshots and explain to me, I really appreciate it.
DSchwachhofer’s explanation has also convinced me.