Can we add these slash chords and inversions to Hookpad?

For a song that I am currently transcibing, I required a ninth chord with an inversion (for example, C9/Bb). Hookpad doesn’t support the inversions of 11 and 13 chords either.

Also, there should be more available slash chords. With C, for example, I can only do C over D, E, G, and B, which are the second, third, fifth, and seventh scale degrees. I feel like a lot of songs have all different, funky kinds of chord inversions and slashes to them, so there should be more creative freedom there.


Second this. Chord inversions beyond the third are used heavily in jazz and also in songs where the bass notes are not part of the main chord. The chord nomenclature does get a little messy as the figured bass notation for a fourth inversion would be 7/6/4/2.

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Hi and thank you for the request! Slash chords have been requested for a while now. Unfortunately this isn’t very easy to implement as Hookpad save its chords based on scale degree and quality. Also we have to figure out what all the bass/chord patterns would play in a Slash Chord.

But we have it in the back of our mind but didn’t get to implement this yet. I’m not sure if we can do this but I think this would make a lot of things easier to transcribe.
