Bugs in Hookpad 1.2.0

@emod thanks for the report and the great visual making it obvious what you are describing. It seems to be happening when the last note in your melody bumps up against the end of the line and goes past. We have checks in place to have the drag stop at this point and one of those must be failing.

Do you see this behavior whenever you alt-drag a note this way (such that the end note goes past the line), or is it just happening in certain circumstances? I did a quick check and couldn’t reproduce on my end.

Thanks again


The bug seems to disappear once the project has been saved and reopened. I’ve rebult the project from scratch and while the bug could not reproduced using the same method with the rest note, it appears when alt-dragging certain other notes ( http://i.imgur.com/L8yV3rL.gif ). Whats also peculiar is that I cannot paste one half of the melody into the other empty half of the project, which should fit exactly, however I am able to copy and paste the whole melody excluding the very last note ( http://i.imgur.com/VH9nsxS.gif ).

@emod you said that when you started a brand new project and rewrote the same chords and melody that you can get the same issues to appear.

Can you send me a link to the project causing you the problems?

Do other projects do the same thing or is it just this particular one?

What type of computer and web browser are you on?


@emod update: I’m almost positive now the problem has to do with the fact that you are in 6/4 time. Beats can take up a 3rd of a measure (an irrational number) and this has caused rounding problems in the past. I’ll continue trying to reproduce and work on a fix.


A few more interface bugs:

  • When a new Theorytab is loaded while the current one is playing, the whole display becomes glitched until the existing Theorytab stops playing.
  • After enabling lyrics, loading another Theorytab without lyrics will not disable the lyrics fields.
  • I would like to mention once again that Hookpad should use the octave of the previous non-rest note when inputting a new note, and it is less intuitive if every rest note resets the octave to the middle one.
  • The hitbox for chords does not span across the entire chord graphic. In this Theorytab, only by clicking below the area spanned by the C note will Hookpad select the chord; clicking below the rest notes will move the cursor and cancel the current selection. The hitbox is about two thirds as wide as the chord itself, and this makes long chords sometimes difficult to select.

maj6 chords appear as maj7/add6 chords in exported sheets.